Startup development is only as successful as its leader.
If you are considering a switch from your stable nine-to-five job to a full-on entrepreneurial adventure, stop for a minute.
Let me ask you four questions.

Everyone makes mistakes, but when it is about your startup, you really can’t spill your water and slip on it.
It may cost you heavily that you, of course, can’t afford.
When it is about starting a business, you need to be very thoughtful about your ideas and the strategies you will be adopting for expanding your empire.
A wrong move can cost you expensively.
Also, sharing your idea with others will help in a better execution.
Many businesses fail because they run out of cash in the long run.

Business, right now it’s not only about earning and saving money.
Of course earning money is also a significant one in the business world but now its growing beyond that.
And of course those who have changed have become an important signature of the world like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and others.
Let me give you an example, looking for cab’s has been the toughest task before 15 plus years, and the kalanick and camp also faced the same problem and they bought Uber, which hit globally with triumph.
Right now many business minds have been using the Uber business model to start their very own.
Even Stand In Others Shoe

Although many have tried, few have succeeded at creating a unique and profitable website.
However, Sophomore Yan Gorshtenin has been successful in founding the innovative website “Netlodge.” Netlodge, a database targeted for startup companies, entrepreneurs and investors, consists of over 25,000 videos of high quality entrepreneur and business guidebooks from startups and founders all around the world.
“Our team of professional curators bring their expertise and handicraft to select unique, high quality content of startups and business related news, so that you can spend less time searching and more time enriching your mind,” said Gorshtenin.
He developed the website completely from scratch, a task that required hours of hard work and many four am coffee runs.
“Basically, I always wanted to start a career in business.”
Gorshtenin began brainstorming and planning the future of Netlodge in October 2014 and launched the site in April 2014 with 3983 followers and subscribers.

Blog about startup entrepreneurship ideas and how it is going green. How to sell organic food and how to run this business sucessfully.