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Cryptaza- features and benefits

ana gray
Cryptaza- features and benefits

Here are some of the basic features and benefits we provide

  1. 4 - 8 Highly Profitable & Accurate Binance & Bittrex trading signals for day trade per day.


  1. 25-50 Highly Profitable VIP BitMEX Signals per month: Complimentary BitMEX/Binance/ Bittrex Autotrader : Our autotrade bot is Combining our high win rate trades and an automatic autotrade bot, you won't have to stare at a screen all day as the bot will execute all the signals called out in VIP, automatically in your bitmex/binance/bittrex account. You won't miss a trade again.


  1. stop loss bot! This will make sure any trades that go above Profit target1 always end in profits, without you having to personally move the stop limit loss yourself.


  1. Arbitrage bot: you can instantly determine the price difference between binance and bittrex exchanges.


  1. Free learning materials and e-Books to turn you into a crypto trading expert.


  1. Free trading tips and tricks with Arbitration signals available exclusively for VIP members.


  1. IOS and Android app for quick and easy access from anywhere.


  1. Access to our VIP Chat & Unlimited 24/7 Support.


  1. The biggest secret is that there are more than 10 coins which are pumped 50% to 200% daily. We will reveal the secret of how to analyze the coin to predict whether it will be pumped within the next 48 hours.



Cryptaza uses special tools and bots for real-time monitoring and analysis of the movements on the market. These movements are all checked and verified by our expert professional traders and then shared with our elite clients worldwide, leaving millions of satisfied clients trading with us.

Our powerful Arbitrage tool accurately identifies which market has the highest potential for instant profit calculated by our algorithms and trading bot software. you can instantly determine the price difference between all exchanges.


Cryptaza Power Signals has an earning potential up to 150% profit— (Exclusively for VIP members)

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