AI Products 

Electric Rickshaw - Manufacturers and Suppliers in Delhi

Mini Metro
Electric Rickshaw - Manufacturers and Suppliers in Delhi

We are one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of Electric Rickshaw. We are well known of the Electric rickshaw manufacturers in India. our E Rickshaw is very durable in nature. We have huge clients. as we only focus on the quality of the battery rickshaw.  Mini Metro is the best E-rickshaw Manufacturing Company Provides best services to its clients in terms of suppliers. we are various E-rickshaws available like Battery Rickshaw, E-rickshaw, Electric Rickshaw, etc. Our Electric rickshaw is 100% durable. and we have different ranges of E Rickshaw with many colors options. You can easily see our mini metro on roads. Because Our E Rickshaw manufacturers made their designs of electric rickshaw according to the Indian roads. We offer wide range of models with different colors. Being these products featuring Eco-friendliness, Pollution-Free, Noiseless, Cost-Effective, almost zero running cost, stylish look and appeal, these are widely appreciated by the customer.

Mini Metro
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