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How has hospitality industry gained big payoffs by smart investments in IoT?

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How has hospitality industry gained big payoffs by smart investments in IoT?

When restaurateurs perceive value using the IoT devices and applications, the trend will quickly create a new market!

Since its inception in 1999, IoT has kicked up a storm, creating business opportunities and privacy minefields across the sectors.

Those were the times when magnetic-stripe room key cards were still obligatory in hotels, the first Blackberry device was being introduced to the world, and Alexa was a popular baby girl name.

Here we focus on how hospitality industry (especially hotels and restaurants) embrace the benefits, and how they lead with it!

IoT eventually helps hoteliers and restaurateurs to harness valuable guest data (from sources such as purchase histories, marketing engagement and loyalty programs) and glean actionable insights that help them to provide customized reservations based on stay experiences of visitors in past.

Customer always lure for authenticity in services, customization, socio-emotional connection, convenience (especially if they are travelling with their families or friends), control (value for money) and timely services.

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