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How to fix HP Printer Offline Issue in Windows 10

Hphelpline Hphelpline
How to fix HP Printer Offline Issue in Windows 10

Going to printing an important document from your HP printer but suddenly got an error say Printer is offline? If yes, then it’s not a new thing you have heard because lots of users experience this problem when using their HP printer. It is the most common problem that HP printer user confronts once in their life or often basis. After getting the HP printer offline issue, they start to find the way of troubleshooting this issue which is not a big deal to fix.

In this article, you will be simply leaned about the step by steps procedure to fix the offline issue of a HP printer.

Method 1: Check printer status

If you have checked the printer offline option on your computer, then you can face this problem that can only resolve through below steps:

  • First, you would need to turn on your HP printer and computer and if they are already on, then skip.
  • Go to the Start menu icon on your computer’s bottom corner side.
  • Click on Devices and Printer.
  • Now right-click on Printer option and then choose See what’s printing.
  • A new page with Printer title will open and then you can see the option use Printer Offline.
  • Now uncheck the box Use printer offline and then your HP printer will back to online status.

Method 2: Check printer connectivity

If your HP printer not connected to your computer, then you can also face HP printer offline Windows 10 issue which is possible to fix by applying the below instructions:

  • Restart your HP printer and then make sure that USB cables, Wireless cables are properly connected to your printer.
  • If you are using wireless printer series, then make sure that you are properly connected to the wireless network.
  • Check whether your computer is connected to a wireless network or not.

In case HP printer offline still continues, then dial HP printer support number 1-888-880-8463 and directly contact the team of experts as they always available to assist the users on multiple HP printer related issues. You would only need to make a phone call and they will provide the complete solutions on multiple issues that you face while using HP printer. This number 1-888-880-8463 is 24/7 ready to provide the assistance and you can dial it across the world.


Contact information

All HP Issues Solved

Location: –          Canada / USA

Toll-Free No: -  +1-888-880-8463

Web address: -   www.hphelpline.com

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