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Know the Landscape of Global Telehealth Market

High Beam Global
Know the Landscape of Global Telehealth Market

Telehealth is emerging as one of the disruptive solutions for the healthcare industry  challenges. It is rapidly transforming the way healthcare delivery is done in the nation.

In the era of digitalization and e-commerce, every individual is seeking convenience and prefer to get doorstep service. Change in consumers preference, buying behavior, purchasing power, and increasing demand for quality healthcare delivery services is demand for telehealth services.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the delivery of healthcare services, including medical care and patient education via telecom or digital technologies. It revolves around supporting long-distance clinical healthcare, public health, and professional healthcare education. It comprises of delivering services through videoconferencing, internet, store-and-forward imaging, media, and wireless communications.

Lack of healthcare service access in rural & remote areas, need for low-cost quality healthcare services coupled with growing baby boomers population with more chronic diseases required the development of telehealth services across the globe.  It helps to reduce the healthcare cost, assists in addressing the shortage of healthcare providers, and even reduces the burden of extended travel to obtain necessary care.

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It is a handy tool in case of non-emergency medical care requirements. In this competitive world, nobody has the time to wait for long to schedule appointments with doctors in case of non-emergency medical care. Telehealth is beneficial in conditions of cough or cold, high or low blood pressure, gastric issues, rashes, patient education, nutrition, and others.  Growth in the adoption of internet users and increasing market penetration of electronic gadgets is supporting the growth of telehealth market.

According to a market survey  by the American Hospital Association, only 76% of U.S hospitals connect with their patients and consulting practitioners through telehealth.

According to The Insight Partners, The global telehealth market  is estimated to reach a value of USD52,897.2 Mn by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 15.7% during the forecasted period 2018 to 2025.  This market is anticipated to witness rapid growth in the Asia-Pacific region during the forecasted years owing to the presence of well –defined telehealth systems in China.


High Beam Global
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