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Glass facades of houses and buildings: Ideas and tips

Rajeshbhai Patel
Glass facades of houses and buildings: Ideas and tips

Glass has revolutionized the way of building and designing for architects and builders. This equipment is so functional and offers an attractive appearance that such use in glass facades IT’S for houses and buildings, and interiors, are almost unlimited.

The facades are the letter of introduction of any house or building, so it is best to strive to achieve a result that suits the style we want to achieve. In the case of looking for a current and striking design, glass will be the best option.

When an architect decide That the main protagonist of a facade is glass, I probably what is looking for is the continuity Between the inside of a building and the outside; break the barriers and get to space That Merges Both areas and Takes advantage of the best of each.

In Addition, This equipment has the advantage of combining perfectly with other materials: such as wood, metal or marble. THUS it is possible to play with different styles and achieve the best result that suits ours.

Glass next to the entrance door

The glass does not have to occupy the entire facade. We can build a glass wall only by surrounding the entrance door or next to it. THUS we will naturally take advantage of the light from the outside to illuminate an area That Tends to be darker in the account and make it wider. In Addition, if we want to preserve the privacy of the Interior and enjoy better views from the inside, we can plant a small garden on the other side of the dated one. In This way we will achieve the effect that would generate a beautiful canvas that, in Addition to beauty, Brings light.

Meters and meters of glass for the Most Daring

The facades on which it has risked and glass Placed in Its entirety give off a unique and sophisticated style. These are perfect for modern buildings and premises, we can Also, although install them in homes, especially those with views of gardens and green areas. This is a great way to enjoy the views while the house earns style points.

Glass and wood facades

If we do not want to leave everything in sight, in Addition to Placing translucent , matt or spy glass , Which Allows us to enjoy the natural light without losing privacy, we can play with wood to cover the lower areas.

The combination of wood and glass is perfect for warm areas regulate the temperature Because They of the house more optimally. In Addition, if we opt for option esta Also we will get a modern and different facade. In premises esta couple is at its peak, since wood is a trend in decoration.

A subtle contrast between transparent and opaque materials can give a very special result.

Another characteristic That Makes esta material is very special Duality Between the day and night. During the day we can appreciate the beauty of the outside views, and during the night it will be the other way around, our home or premises will radiate light out, projecting all its charm.

Large glass doors to the garden

If we are lucky that our home is at the height of the garden, we can place a large glass door to integrate the garden into the house. With the mere gesture of opening the doors wide, evenly, the garden will invade the inner room.

The larger the glazed surface, the greater the sensation of fusion between outer and interior.

In GlassStyle we offer the architect or building technician with personalized collaboration in the planning and design of a glass project. For Architecture Glass Works with low emissive we use glass, solar control glass or anchored outside, Among Others. The style together security is needed.

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Rajeshbhai Patel
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