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Port of Rotterdam signs MOU, appoints representative, helps set up maritime university in India

Indian Transport & Logistics News
Port of Rotterdam signs MOU, appoints representative, helps set up maritime university in India

October 17, 2019: Port of Rotterdam Authority has signed a Memorandum Of Understanding with the Maharashtra Maritime Board, appointed Broekman Logistics as the representative and will team up for the establishment of a maritime university in Gujarat.

The port will be signing another MOU with the government of Kerala for the maritime development in the state during the trade mission and state visit to India.

It is in line with its efforts to intensify joint activities in India and to involve more in consultancy assignments, selling of digital products, attracting investments and promoting maritime trade flows between India and Europe via Rotterdam.

Broekman Logistics India, operating in India since 2006, has started its activities as a representative in October 2019.

With sixteen offices in India, it has a strong presence in all major ports and trading cities, including Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Kochi and Kolkata.

The Port of Rotterdam Authority is supporting the Erasmus University, Rotterdam and the Dutch Shipping & Transport College for providing consultancy services to set up a maritime university in Gujarat.

Indian Transport & Logistics News
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