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Amazon Image Guidelines to Attract Potential Customers

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Amazon Image Guidelines to Attract Potential Customers

In the present era, the majority of business sells its products on a different e-commerce store. In e-commerce, competition is increased every year. If you are a seller of Amazon, the product image is very important to increase the revenue and gain more audience. It is very tough to stand out among the huge crowd in the market. The image requirement is mandatory for the Amazon business. Amazon image guidelines are very simple and reach out to different pages. It manages unique style guidelines for the different product category. You can fulfill the goal and objectives of each and every product list on Amazon.

Amazon Product image
Amazon Product image

It is a better way to improve conversion rate and helps sellers to drive the growth. You must optimize the product photos according to the requirements of Amazon image guidelines. Sellers must follow a few tips and tricks to optimize the image for the Amazon requirement. With the quality product image, you can achieve blockbuster sales in Amazon and beat the competitor easily. In this way, you can attract the visitors by placing the quality images along with the description. The description is another important factor to maximize the sale and improve the customer base. In this article, the sellers learn more about the product requirement for Amazon.

Amazon image guidelines:

Amazon product image requirements
Amazon product image requirements

First of all, sellers must know important requirements mandatory for the product images. Each and every seller sells the specific item on Amazon. The sellers follow Amazon image guidelines properly. If you are a seller of Amazon, you must read the photo requirements for the product and then make the right decision to create the images. The shoppers always see major things like:

  • Product image
  • Benefits
  • Features
  • Description

You can view all the things on the product page and then go to buy it. Apart from this, customers also review photos and description present in the site for further reference about the product. You can follow basic rules which fine creating photos. You can consider different factors like

  • Technical requirements needed for the image
  • Image requirements for the main listing
  • Image requirements for secondary listing

Know the technical requirements for the image:

Amazon clothing image
Amazon Clothing image

Each and every image in the Amazon product page must fulfill basic requirements. You can upload the image that definitely meets the requirements of Amazon. You can also follow additional requirements and understand the restriction for the images.

  • You can learn the minimum and maximum image dimension of the photography followed by Amazon.
  • The minimum dimension of the image is 500px on the longest side
  • The maximum dimension of the image is 10,000p on the longest side
  • The photo zoom must begins at 1000px in long and 500px in short
  • The Amazon product page accepts image format like JPEG (.jpg), TIFF (.tif) and GIF (.gif) and JPEG is the high preferred format when it comes to the product image
  • You can upload maximum file size is 10 MB
  • The crop ration of the image is 1:1 in square and 5:1 in a rectangle

You can consider the above things when making the decision to create the product photography. You can set the image that suitable for the product page in Amazon. On the other hand, you can understand the setting needed for amazon image requirements.

  • The maximum zoom of the image is 2000px by 2000px square
  • You can use the space in the listing and crop tight to the product
  • You must save image as jpeg with the good compression
  • This is very suitable to compress image again on upload in the page
  • You can save the file name as Srgb color space and also opt for any other options
  • Srgb is the default format of Amazon

You must meet above setting carefully that better to format the product image on the product page. You can fulfill Amazon image guidelines for formatting photos. You must understand what type of image works better with the proper image arrangement.

Understand standard for the product photography:

Professional product photographer

Amazon manages standard for the product image that beneficial for the sellers. You must meet the standard for the Amazon product image. The image is labeled with the product identifier with no variant code. The image is also labeled with the main variant that displays as the main image in the product page. You must review the photo that meets the standards of
Amazon image guidelines. You can hope to take the necessary action by reading the steps. You can standards needed for the products and then go to make a quality product.

Unreliable editing service
Unreliable editing service
  • The photo must cover art or professional photograph of the item being sold
  • Any drawing and illustrations of the product are not allowed in the product page
  • The image never contain any confusing objectives that affect the brand value
  • The image should be professionally lit and scanned or photographed with a realistic edge and color
  • The image must fill the whole frame
professionally shot and edited image
Professionally shot and edited image
  • Promotional images and jewel cases are not accepted in the product image
  • Offensive materials and pornographic are not allowed in the image
  • Close up and cropped images are also applicable in the photography
  • You can use the text and graphics in the product images

Main listing photos requirements:

Amazon Main Offer Image
Amazon Main Offer Image

Main image listing is the first images that you view during the searching time and on the listing too. This is the most important things that gain the attention of customers. The quality main listing photo can be viewed by the customer more time and get enough clicks. In this way, you can achieve higher sales and boost the revenue and brand at the same time. Amazon follows strict rules and regulations about the photography of the product. The customers can able to stay as long as possible in the main listing photo. You can make a creative and innovative image that meet Amazon product requirement.

  • You may photograph the items on the white background
  • The images must manage pure white background and comes up with RGB value of 255
  • The product must cover 85% of the image area
  • You can keep up the image in high quality without any blur, jagged edge, and others
  • The product images usually represent image sold out and display only the product for sale
white background
White background

You can read the above things carefully when it comes to the main listing products. You can see all the things that mandatory for the first image. The sellers know the restricted things required for the main products like

  • The image should not contain any graphics, rendering and illusion
  • The image never show any accessory that confuses the visitors
  • You don’t manage any image that holds graphic design, watermark, logos, and others
  • The main listing image does not manage the view of the same product
  • The image does not design with any external tags
  • You can never make image photography of product with lifestyle images and colored background.
frame product
Frame product

Why the main listing image is important:

Amazon gives high priority to the main listing product.  This is super important in the e-commerce site today. The sellers get more benefits from the main product.  In this way, sellers achieve the business goal and objectives in a simple way. This is regarded as the best component next to the price that surely converts sales and gives enough traffic to the listing. You can avoid using the bad photo in the product image. This will create a bad impression of the brand among the customers. So, you can avoid it and use a quality photo to attract customers. This one improves sales and helps you to attain a high return on investment. This is definitely worth the investment and guide to attain success. You can make the main image listing with the great look and pick up more customers. You can impress the visitor in the main listing image.

Secondary image requirements:

Once the main listing product is completed, you can go to the secondary image. You can also follow the technical requirements needed for the secondary image. All the image listings are very simple that need the requirements. You can do whatever you want by following the technical requirements.

  • The secondary image must have to come up seven photographs with the main image
  • You can place the secondary image that displays different sides of product, lifestyle, use, details, and others
  • The secondary image never contain any logos and watermarks that confuse customer often
  • You can upload the picture in a real time manner in the product page
  • You can upload photos with high resolution and excellent clarity

Secondary listing is also an important factor of sellers to retain the customers. Once the customers visit the main listing, they immediately visit the secondary page for gaining more details about the products. The visitors read all the things of the product and know the product uniqueness.

Capture the attention of visitors:

Bike trainer stand
Bike trainer stand

The Amazon manages simple and fine requirements that suitable for the product photos. You must meet it and gain a good result. On the other hand, you can enhance the brand image and keep in touch with lots of Amazon shoppers. Once the visitors landed at the product page, visitors view the product image first and then go to others. The image definitely captures the attention of shoppers.

You can improve the customer’s attraction with the product requirement. You must follow technical guidelines to optimize the product image. You can learn important things about Amazon photography. The sellers must understand key image requirement for amazing that easy to publish the required photos on the product page.

You can learn more about these things and utilize the best strategy to make quality and stunning photos.  You can probably achieve massive benefits of the quality product image. You can spend the time to make the quality products for Amazon. You can optimize the product image that better for the customer. You can manage a huge range of customers in your brand with a quality image.

Plays a great role in the business:

The product image is an important perspective of the sellers today. Product image and description are the two important factor of the online seller. The product photography is mandatory to drive customer’s attention. This will add sense to the business and touch with the customer.  You can make the image that engages the customer to make the right decision to purchase. You can create an image in a real-time manner. With the product image attraction, the customers definitely like to purchase it.

Souce: https://www.clippingpatharts.com/amazon-image-guidelines-to-attract-potential-customers/

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