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Mold maintenance and maintenance instructions

E- make
Mold maintenance and maintenance instructions

Activities such as guide column, mandrel, line wear and tear, lubrication is good?

2.2 cavity slightly die marks, according to the cavity of the finish to select the polishing material.There are not used sandpaper and other polishing materials, generally dipped in diamonds with diamond brush or diamond paste, by the professional maintenance staff to complete.

2.1 This standard must be trained through the training of qualified technical staff 2.2 injection collar is responsible for the implementation and inspection supervision, in charge of regular supervision.

Third, the injection mold maintenance content is divided into:

1.0 mold before the production of maintenance

1.1 to the surface of the mold on the oil, rust clean clean mold cooling water hole whether there is a foreign body, whether the water barrier nowhere.

E- make
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