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Types of LED Christmas lights

Allen Oneil
Types of LED Christmas lights

Christmas is a festivity that brings about a lot of happiness and positivity. It is a festival of joy and merrymaking. One of the most integral parts of the celebration of Christmas is Christmas trees, and the decorations of these trees remain incomplete without Christmas tree lights. Now, these decorative lights come in many variations, and a prevalent variety is the LED lights. There are multiple reasons behind the growing popularity of LED lights, and energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness are only some of them. You need to have some idea about how you can use the LED lights to decorate your home during Christmas to ensure that your purchase does not go to waste. First of all, you should know the significant benefits of buying LED lights for decorating your Christmas tree. 

Connecting more strings of light:

With LED lights, you will be able to connect almost ten times more strings of light by using a single plug point. Such a thing would not be possible by incandescent lights. With regular and ordinary Christmas lights, you will be able to connect only four to five sets of lights, but with the LED ones, you can connect more the forty to fifty lights together depending on the count of the lights. This will make it easier for you to decorate the larger Christmas decorations.

No added heating:

Another added benefit of using LED lights is that they do not heat up. This means that if the children of the family accidentally touch the lights, they will not face any trouble as the lights will be in a temperature that is suitable for touching.

Brighter light:

LED lights create an atmosphere of brightness that remains unparalleled. You can never expect such glowing and warm light from the incandescent bulbs.


The LED lights generally come with a life of more than a thousand years, and that makes them long-lasting over another type of light. The incandescent sets last typically for a season or two, and this means LED lights are advantageous over them.

Now, let us take a look over the various types of LED lights that are fast becoming popular among people.

Wide-angle mini LED lights: These lights generally come in 5mm sizes and are smaller than the traditional mini lights. However, the concave lens that this type of LED has creates a starburst light halo that helps to spread the light evenly in every direction. These types of lights are generally favored as options to wrap the Christmas trees, both indoor and outdoor. They are also used to wrap garlands and wreaths.

T5 and M5 mini lights: These lights are the perfect combination of new technology and traditional design. It is almost a classic. T5 and M5 LED lights can work as your replacement for the older type of incandescent bulbs. You can use them to wrap around the greenery of your garden or indoor trees or columns on the porch. 

G12 Raspberry lights: These lights might remind you of gums or raspberries, but there is no doubt to the fact that they add a fun and colorful ambiance to your Christmas décor. You should not be fooled by their mini sizes as these globes of lights create quite a radiant halo. You can put these lights on trees or use them to light up your garden bushes or can also wrap these LEDs around railings as well.

C6 Strawberry LED lights: As the name suggests, these LED lights come in the shape of strawberries. You can use these LEDs to deck up your garden bushes and trees. You can also use them in the indoors to deck up any specific room.

C7 and C9 Christmas lights: The main benefit of the C7 and C9 LED lights is that they come in a way that makes the bulbs pre-fitted to the strings. This makes it easier to use as there is no hassle of setting them up. You can take a bunch of strings of pre-fitted lights and put them up in a way you want. Moreover, these LEDs are exceptionally pocket-friendly and will serve as an excellent option for them who want to change to LEDs and keep it that way for many years. These lights are mainly used on roofs, outer yards, and outdoor trees.

These are the primary choices you will have when you decide to buy LED lights for your Christmas tree from whitestores.co.ukWhile purchasing the lights, make sure to check that they are in perfect condition, and there are no issues with the wires or the strings. You should do this for your safety as bringing home a broken wired light might put you and your family in danger. While you are decking up your Christmas tree with lights, make sure not to overstuff it as well.

Allen Oneil
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