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proclamation that the lord chancellor should sit

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proclamation that the lord chancellor should sit

Six Semi-Worsted Yarn Manufacturers hundred years later landlords replaced the human population with sheep in the notorious Highland clearances reducing farmers to crofters.Wool, she notes, has left its mark on our speech. “We spin a yarn. If we deceive, we pull wool over people’s eyes. We weave narratives as we weave cloth and our words for them are bound together.” Knitting, she maintains, is fundamentally about binding together not only binding wool to wool, but wool to sheep and sheep to place. Sheep breeds of which there are 60 in the UK display their origins in their names  the Cheviot, Suffolk, Black Welsh Mountain, Romney, Bluefaced Leicester, Cotswold, Swaledale while the word worsted used to describe smooth, tightly spun yarn appears to come from Worstead in Norfolk.

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