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What Is Purpose Of Getting UAE Embassy Attestation?

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What Is Purpose Of Getting UAE Embassy Attestation?

UAE is a combination of seven emirates located in the south eastern region of Arabian Peninsula. Oil is one the major foreign exchange earner for UAE. There are many people working in UAE. Millions migrate to UAE for job, education and business.UAE is a strict nation so for people to move to UAE it is necessary that their documents should be attested under the respectiveauthority.UAE embassy attestation is the attestation process done by UAE embassy. This is a type of verification done from the part of the UAE embassy in your country.

Purpose of UAE embassy attestation

  • Work permit
  • To start a new business branch
  • Family visa
  • Student visa or higher education
  • Admission in schools and universities in UAE etc

UAE Attestation is necessary to prove that your documents are authentic and real before the UAE government. When you apply for a UAE visa it is obligatory that the documents should be verified and proved authentic by the UAE embassy. The UAE embassy attestation will attest educational, non educational and commercial documents. UAE embassy attestation makes your document more genuine and smooth before the UAE government. This attestation is done if one wishes to move to any of the seven states within UAE.

Documents required for UAE embassy attestation

  • Original certificate
  • Passport copy

If any individual wish to go to UAE for job or education his documents should be attested by the UAE embassy attestation. Without the authentication from the embassy it is very difficult to get your visa approved. The procedures for UAE embassy attestation depends up on the home country. Getting a seal and signature from the UAE embassy on your certificates proves that the documents have been verified by the UAE embassy and is authentic. UAE embassy attestation is helpful for people who go to UAE.

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