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Meat supplychain blockchain problems? Here is the solution

Walsh Leshly
Meat supplychain blockchain problems? Here is the solution

Food traceability is the most awaited concept in the growing health conscious population. According to the latest report, the chances of dishonest activities are possible in any part of the supply chain. The red meat is vulnerable to many problems including illegal slaughtering, improper storage, and prolonged preservation.

Here food traceability becomes a necessity to know if the meat we consume is actually qualified as a safe product. Tracefood provides end to end traceability solutions to make your supplychain more transparent building complete trustworthiness with meat supplychain blockchain.

The meat and poultry sector can be broadly divided into 3 categories: beef, pork, and poultry. Other red meats that are consumed at lesser volumes than beef, pork, and poultry basically follow similar traceability practices. There are numerous difficulties in tracking meat after slaughter, especially at the warehouses, transport and retail meat markets.

Illegal slaughter

Livestock are extremely at risk of illegal slaughter with the growing counterfeit companies. Nowadays, the cases are rising on slaughtering of animals which were unfit for human consumption by virtue of age and health. There is no way to find out the storage processes and temperature during transportation making the end-product pose greater health risks for the consumer. The health of the cattle is left unknown as some of them are over fed with pastures to make it milk more. This worsens the fitness conditions of the cattle. The milk from the unhealthy cattle also poses a great danger as dairy products become inevitable part of our daily life.

Substitution meat

According to a report, meat species substitution continues to be observed through many local authority sampling. This predominantly relates to the deceptive products such as beef or pork in place of lamb. Another report states that semi cooked or ready to cook spicy meals were particularly vulnerable to this crime, as the swap cannot be found due to being overpowered by other flavours.

There are many cases reported in UK where they transport horses posing them as leisure utility and slaughter them in illegal places and mix them up with other meat.

Blockchain in meat industry

Here the use of the latest blockchain technology for meat provides complete data about the meat product from the farm to the table. This documentation of the stages in the supplychain by the Blockchain For Meat supply chain starting from slaughter, processing and packaging of the products provide the quality proof of the safety and the freshness of the product. This builds more trustworthiness among the consumers. Blockchain in meat industry also stores the temperature at which the products has been kept, shelf life and also the preservatives added to it creating more interest in the public. Blockchain in meat supply chain also avoids counterfeit and the trust increases the demand for the product.

Tracefood provides consummate meat supplychain blockchain solutions for all your supplychain traceability problems to bring the best quality products from your enterprise.

Source:Blockchain solution for beef

Walsh Leshly
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