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Preschool in Chennai

karthick Hari
Preschool in Chennai

In Toddlers Cocoon the learning is extremely fun and exciting. You can get to know the status of your child by Whatsapp every day. All staff members are polite and dedicated.  

Children in the age group between 18 months and 6 years are extremely receptive. Toddlers Cocoon pre-schools' fun-filled program makes the most of this by encouraging the children to understand and develop basic language skills and at the same time develop social skills, gross and fine motor skills and creativity, through songs, music, and imaginative play.  

Infrastructure at our play schools has been specially designed, keeping in mind the inquisitive and explorative nature of the young minds. There are no formal classrooms in our playschools, just thematic rooms like an aqua room, audio-visual room, arts, and crafts rooms.   The rooms are well stocked, with non-toxic toys and equipment, as per the theme and learning objective of each particular room.  

Teachers at our play schools are very dedicated, experienced and motivated to provide all-round development to the child. They embrace the view that each child is a unique person with an individual pattern and timing of social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development.

karthick Hari
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