AI Products 

Automotive Instrument Cluster Market Research Report - Global Forecast to 2023

Rishikesh Kurane
Automotive Instrument Cluster Market Research Report - Global Forecast to 2023

Automotive instrument cluster is a set of instruments that consists of a speedometer and infotainment display.

The instrument panel also displays the speed of the vehicle, the amount of fuel available, and traffic condition with the help of navigation system.

In the current automotive industry, various technologies have evolved to provide better display information for the driver such as HMI concept.

In an analog type of instrument cluster, there are two large dials for the speedometer, and a gauge for the fuel level indicator.

The demand from the customers for high quality instrument panels have increased the demand for innovative display system to be installed in the vehicle.

This increase in demand for the innovative display systems, will lead to the growth of instrument cluster market in future.

Rishikesh Kurane
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