Umula Kura University's research center director Khalid Babatin's study found that the center of the world's holy Ka'bah located in Saudi Arabia.
Hajj is held between 8 and 12 of Zillhaj.
Meetings of world Muslims take place through Hajj in Holy Ka'ba Sharif
The height of the Kaaba house is 15 meters.
The floor is made of valuable marble tiles.
Wrapped up to four meters above the marble tiles of artificial marble tiles.
Allah defination, Fact about Allah, Who is Allah in Quran, good in Islam.
"It is the basic duty of Islam to gain an idea about Allah and to believe in it, it is the essential duty of every Muslim to have a clear and accurate knowledge about it.
[Book of Islamic Knowledge, Writer - Iqbal Kabir Mohan]
In ancient times the use of the word "Allah"
Since the beginning of the human civilization, the word "Allah" was used in ancient Kaldiyani and Suryanian and ancient "Hebrew" to refer to the universal entity of the universe.
The ideas about Allah were different in different religions.
Allah defination, Fact about Allah, Who is Allah in Quran, good in Islam.
"It is the basic duty of Islam to gain an idea about Allah and to believe in it, it is the essential duty of every Muslim to have a clear and accurate knowledge about it.
[Book of Islamic Knowledge, Writer - Iqbal Kabir Mohan]
In ancient times the use of the word "Allah"
Since the beginning of the human civilization, the word "Allah" was used in ancient Kaldiyani and Suryanian and ancient "Hebrew" to refer to the universal entity of the universe.
The ideas about Allah were different in different religions.
Islamic jewelry is gaining popularity in western society, as well.
Islamic necklaces and earrings are worn by men and women alike, both as everyday adornments and as symbols of religious beliefs and solidarity with a particular community or organization.
What is interesting about Islamic jewelry is that it is usually made using natural materials such as silver, gold, copper, brass, and natural stones.
In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah states that those who believe in the Quran and the earlier revelations and have firm faith in the Afterlife are the rightly guided.All the holy books were revealed as the uncreated word of Allah.
In the eras during which the scriptures were revealed, they sought to explain the purpose of life and people’s obligations.
Indeed, the Tawrat was corrupted by those who followed their whims and desires, seeking to reinvent its pure teachings.This book can no longer be found in its original form as a result of tampering.
By the same token, we are to reject all existing, corrupted editions of the Tawrat.In Surah Al-Ma’idah, Allah says that He sent the Tawrat, which contained guidance and light.
On the other hand, any versions of it that exist currently shall not be endorsed or deemed divine in origin.
It was revealed to Prophet Isa (AS), a prophet born of a miraculous birth, who performed several miracles by Allah’s leave.