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Best Lighting Solution for Your Home with COB Light's

Light Doctor
Best Lighting Solution for Your Home with COB Light's

These LED ceiling lights are manufactured to the highest possible standards, making them ideal for replacing old halogen lamps. The ceiling lights use a high-quality COB LED chip that produces high light intensity as well as being very stable. Lights are a perfect product to work with as they remove the need for fittings, etc., making them ideal for new constructions, workplaces, etc...

These ceiling lights use an extremely bright 6W COB LED Lighting panel, this chip is a new style SMD chip and exceeds the output of a standard 50W halogen lamp. The ceiling lights have a transformer included so that you can connect them directly to your mains. Another advantage is that the transformer can be removed so that you can use them on a 12v circuit. This is clearly beneficial for motor homes, caravans, boats, etc...

If you need a low-cost lighting solution for your home, office, etc., it's best if you just cut a hole and attach it to your mains. You don't need to buy any fittings or transformers that you need while dealing with bulbs or spotlights.

These LED Ceiling Lights comply with all India safety regulations (CE and RoHs) and we offer a two-year warranty to any customer who purchases any item from us. Due to the high quality of our goods and installation facilities, our goods and services are frequently used in some of India's largest shopping centers, hotels, Celebrity homes, etc. So, buy with confidence, please...

Light Doctor
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