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Tsum, Manaslu and Annapurna Trekking

Santosh Aryal
Tsum, Manaslu and Annapurna Trekking

We made the Tsum Valley Trek, the Manaslu Circuit and a part of the Annapurna Circuit too

we finished our special Projekt after 13 days, so it was quite tough ‍♂️ Like the whole Holiday this was a great privilege. Great Vison Treks & Expedition thank you so much for helping us to make our Vision real!

Not every Guide is able to do that within this short amount of time. So we were so damn happy that Sushil was on our side!!
If I’ll come back again theres no other man for me beside sushil. He is so fast, has endless endurance and he knows these mountains like the pockets of his Backpack
Alltough he was very kind, so funny and a really great Person to talk with :)) we shared so much great Time togehter and we were laughing even more

If you like to go for a long trek I can recommend him in any case. He made our experience so special

If you don’t speak nepali like me, it’s good to have someone with you who can bring you more in contact with the local people, otherwise this is nearly impossible. Sushils English skills are really good and after a few days he knew our needs just by looking at our faces

Thank you Sushil

Real mountain man and one of the kindest guys I’ve ever met.
Looking forward to explore the Himalaya with you again! #visitnepal2020

Copied from Tripadvisor

Santosh Aryal
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