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The Real Estate Industry Sector Expects From The Budget In 2019

Laxmipriya Pradhan
The Real Estate Industry Sector Expects From The Budget In 2019

Here The Budget 2019: From Infrastructure Standing To The Extension Of Tax Holidays For Cheap Housing

Union Budget 2019: With the primary full Budget of the 2ND terms of the NDA Government on the anvil, all trade bodies area unit harboring their own set of expectations of the new minister of finance.

the important Real Estate is not an exception.

Rationalization of taxes that alleviate the tax burden on the arena and providing abundant required liquidity which will boost client demand would be a welcome move.

a number of the initiatives that would be thought of by the new minister of finance area unit summarized below:

Presently, tax is collectible on documents as per the supplies of the individual tax laws of the individual states.

Laxmipriya Pradhan
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