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The 7 Types of Remote Workers – Which Group Are You In?

Remote Workmate
The 7 Types of Remote Workers – Which Group Are You In?

Avoiding distractions and staying focused is harder than it’s ever been in this technology-driven era, especially as a remote worker.

When people fail to achieve this, they sometimes think they’re meant to be mediocre; that they can’t do more than what they’re capable of now.

Tip: Use this time to perform your most crucial jobs as it’s when your brain is at its most creative.

Leave the less important tasks for after you take your meal break.

Tip: As you arrange your to-do list, include large objectives such as landing that big brand as a business partner for your employer.

Tip: Make sure that you keep an eye on your quality as juggling several things increases the chances of you missing details.

Remote Workmate
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