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PUBG Lite: How to Fix Unreal Error 0x887A0006?

Arya stark
PUBG Lite: How to Fix Unreal Error 0x887A0006?

PUBG arguably stands at the top of all the battle-royale games available right now. The game is known and loved everywhere, but its heavy configuration requirements put serious pressure on the system. However, the issue was fixed as Blurhole released PUBG Lite for players to use. The game is efficient and provides the same level of excitement, but the error 0x887A0006 can hinder your gaming experience.


We all are familiar with this message, and this happens when your PC hardware parts or graphic components are not able to coordinate correctly. As written above, there are several games that are facing this issue, such as PUBG and Apex Legends, but in this blog, we will mainly focus on PUBG Unreal Engine error. Below are fixed that can help you to prevent your PUBG gaming experience from Unreal Engine Error 0x887A0006.

Reasons For Unreal Engine Error 0x887A0006

There are five main reasons behind Unreal Engine Error 0x887A0006, and they are :

  • Outdated Unreal Engine.
  • NVIDIA GeForce Setting.
  • Default Graphic Card.
  • Overclocking.
  • Antivirus Software.

How to fix PUBG Lite 0x887A0006 Error?

1. Fix by Updating Unreal Engine

As discussed above, the outdated unreal engine can also be the reason behind this error, so below are the ways to fix this issue:

  1. Go for the Option of the launcher and start locating Library in it.
  2. After accessing the Library menu, you will find the Option of Engine Version in it.
  3. If you locate any available update on that list, then find the Plus icon and tap Next on it to proceed to the update.
  4. Choose the Option of Add Version.
  5. You will see a Prompt regarding the installation of the new Unreal engine version.
  6. Tap the install option from it and choose the Download option to download the new engine version.

2. Fix by Deactivate the NVIDIA GeForce Battery Settings

As discussed above, NVIDIA GeForce can also be the reason behind this error, so we are disabling it. Here are the ways to deactivate the NVIDIA GeForce Battery Settings:

  1. Go to the NVIDIA GeForce Experience option.
  2. Tap on the Games option from the appeared menu.
  3. Choose the Option of Disable Battery Boost, which will be situated on the left side of the screen.
  4. Reboot the game and check if the issue resolves or not.

3. Fix by Changing Default Graphics

As discussed above the default graphics can also be the reason for this issue, so below we have shared the ways to change the preference of default graphics:

  1. Tap on the Option of NVIDIA control panel.
  2. Tap on Manage 3D Settings from the appeared menu.
  3. Go to the Global Settings option and tap on the High-Performance NVIDIA processor.
  4. Press the Option of Apply and reboot the game to check if the issue is resolved or not.

4. Fix by Disabling Firewall

One of the major resorts to fix almost every error of the PC can be Done by Disabling the Firewall. Here are the steps to Disable Firewall from the PC:

  1. Locate the Control Panel.
  2. Choose the Option of System & Security.
  3. Now, tap on the Option of Windows Defender Firewall.
  4. After this, allow yourself to tap on Turn Off Windows Defender Firewall.
  5. Choose Ok to save all the changes that have been made.
  6. Run the game and check if the issue persists or not.

5. Fix by Reducing Your PC Consumption

If you are keen on playing the game on your PC for hours, then you need to adjust your PC settings to the mode that will reduce the burden from your computer shoulders. The reduction of PC consumption can resolve this issue of Unreal Error 0x887A0006 and will provide you the same gaming experience that you were enjoying before this error.


There must be several ways to tackle this error, but in this workaround, we have shared only possible and secure ways. It is recommended to use the ways that have been tested and proved by experts otherwise, and you will lead your computer to more complex issues.

Rdx Tango is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding trendmicro.com/activation and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.


Source:- https://uk-trendmicro.com/blog/pubg-lite-how-to-fix-unreal-error-0x887a0006/

Arya stark
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