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The Integration of WebRTC and SIP: Way of enhancing real-time, interactive multimedia communication

richard john
The Integration of WebRTC and SIP: Way of enhancing real-time, interactive multimedia communication

Originally I shared this Mirrorfly blog

“WebRTC won’t replace the existing legacy VoIP infrastructure but the application will provide real-time peer-to-peer video and voice communication where the standard carrier network isn’t capable”.

The Power of WebRTC and SIP Technologies

It offers SMS, video conferencing, phone calls and messaging capability within all the browsers and application platforms.

It’s a group voice call and uses WebRTC to support in-app messaging and unlimited calls.

Apart from WebRTC video call in android phone or WebRTC voice chats in an iOS phone is made possible by the portable source code of WebRTC and it also provides webinars no matter where the client and the user are geographically put up!

richard john
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