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Best India Crickets Sports Player MS Dhoni Say on Untold Stories

Laxmipriya Bhatta
Best India Crickets Sports Player MS Dhoni Say on Untold Stories

Most Cricket Player MS Dhoni Say on Untold Stories

MS Dhoni has retooled his diversion in such a viable way, that he's as yet made himself pertinent.

Dhoni Pavilion' looks shining under lights.

The north structure, coincidentally, has been named after previous state affiliation president and the current BCCI acting secretary Amitabh Choudhary.

Peruse | Dhoni decays welcome to introduce the 'Dhoni Pavilion' in main residence

A year ago, the Jharkhand State Cricket Association (JSCA) had collectively affirmed the initiating, which happened 15 days back.

Laxmipriya Bhatta
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