Abhyasam Career Academy provide you SSC CGL Exam Coaching in Chandigarh. SSC CGL 2020 Notification: Staff Selection Commission conducts the Combined Graduate Level exam for recruitment to various Group B & C posts. Every year, the SSC CGL examination witnesses lakhs of aspirants competing with each other to find a place in the prestigious departments. SSC CGL 2019 applications were received from 22nd October to 25th November and the SSC CGL 2019 exam will be held from 2nd March to 11th March 2020. As the year 2019 has come to an end, many aspirants are now looking forward to dedicating the upcoming year to the preparation of SSC exams. Aspirants starting their preparations for SSC CGL examination must eye on the SSC CGL 2020, the notification for which will be released in September. With the new year, aspirants must start their preparations on a fresh note focusing on their goal and working towards it.If you are loking for SSC CGL classes in Chandigarh then you can join Abhyasam Career Academy for 100% results.