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champions league

The UEFA Chammpions League

The Königsklasse has only just begun. The best Teams from the European—of leagues play for the title. The gain of the Champions League is one of the most important title in the Profifu ball.

The clubs from the Spanish, English and Italian League z—choose the most successful of the Champions League. Real Madrid, record winners of the competition with 13 titles. The record gateütze Christiano Ronaldo with über 126 goals scored.

Whoever emerges as the winner of the Champions League qualifies for the UEFA Super Cup and the FIFA club championship. In the last fünf years, four Clubs from the Spanish La Liga, recorded a four-title für yourself. In the 2014/15 season, FC Barcelona emerged as the winner. The following three years in Madrid brought Real the title. 2019 FC Liverpool won the English Premier League trophy, after the club had lost in the previous season against Real Madrid.

in mid-September will begin the group stage in the Champions League. The 32 teams are distributed in eight groups. In order for the new betting season starts in the Königsklasse.

Also in the Champions League, there is a very wide-gefächertes range of sports betting. As with all Fußball play single, combination and system bets, möpossible. If you bet on a single game, it's called a single bet. The combination and system bets are a relatively "similar. It combines multiple games with each other. In the case of the combination bet will have to be all of the tips correctly in order to win. In a system bet, on the other hand, wählt to predict how many of the tips shot be correctly m–to win. Thus, the risk, but also the möthe daily profit is lower, than in the simple multi bet.

the different types of bets that there are in the Königsklasse:

  • result bet: tip on the exact end result
  • the
  • Personal bet: gateütze with a number of goals
  • the
  • Über-/under bet: More or less goals than the default
  • the
  • 3-way bet: defeat, draw, victory (output after 90 minutes of playing time)
  • the
  • 2-way bet: a result of the 3-way bet fällt out
  • the
  • goal: tip the team that scored first
  • the
  • Double Chance (bet on two Ausgänge of the 3-way bet)
  • the
  • special bets (on number of corners, yellow cards, half time, etc.)

additionally, it is bets for the Champions League are special types of special. You can put on the gate–tzenkönig of the entire Champions League season. Another exciting Möurgency is the bet on the group winners. It is interesting to note that the eight top teams, according to UEFA to each other is not lost köand can. Thus, in each group there is a clear favorite.

In February 2020, the first half of the season from the second round then begins. This is a characteristic you should be betting about–take into account: the Auswärtstor. This rule is used when the K. O.-Phase in the Rückspiel after the expiry of the regulären season is not a winner. This is the case if the Sum of the Outward and of the Rückspiels a tie in points and in goals able. The goals were scored by a team auswärts z—select this twice.

are Also popular in long-term bets in the Champions League äußerst. And natürlich on down to the sp&mdash is;the more Champions League winner, the populärste bet.


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