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Flag Island in Sharjah

Muhammad Rehmaan
Flag Island in Sharjah

Did you realize that the world's seventh-tallest banner shaft can be found in Sharjah? Head to the apropos named Flag Island, which is home to the UAE Flag on a huge 123-meter-high post and is one of the spots to see in Sharjah. Situated in the Khalid Lagoon, Flag Island is an amazing spot for perspectives on the water just as noteworthy government structures that line the bank. Other free exercises in Sharjah that Flag Island offers incorporate blossom gardens and a particular craftsmanship exhibition and configuration space. There are additionally nourishment trucks in the region for those looking for a tidbit or drink.

Everyone can visit these beautiful places in the United Arab Emirates by Getting Tourist Visit Visa Dubai Price. People can get 14 Days Dubai Visit Visa or can take 90 Days Dubai Visit Visa for visit of UAE.

Muhammad Rehmaan
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