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Video Game Programming

Genry Pufter
Video Game Programming

One of the most common reasons people seem to have for learning programming is so that they can enter the video game programming market. Before trying to become a video game programmer, it is necessary to understand a few things about game programming that will help make the right decisions when beginning programming courses.

Different Aspects of Game Programming

Video game programming sounds like a topic that ought to be fairly narrow in scope, but it really is not. In fact, there are many different areas of game programming, not counting the thousands of techniques that you will eventually master when embarking on a video game programming course (VR game programming, 3d game models creation, etc.).

It is also important to get started in the right area, recognising where your individual talents lie, and how they can be of service in a video game programming team. Of course, the one exception is for those that are going it alone, where you will end up touching every aspect of game programming at one time or another.

In brief, the main areas of video game programming are:

  • Scripting
  • Level Design
  • Tool Programming
  • Game play Programming

Each one of these is a distinct area, which may use overlapping talent. In other words, a video game programmer working on level design may well find themselves doing some scripting, rather than ask for the scripting team to help them out.

When getting started in video game programming, scripting is an easy entry point as it allows the programmer to perfect the game design and creation process without worrying about a specific programming language. The best way to get started is to pick up a low cost (or free) game engine (such as the Torque Engine from GarageGames.com) and use it as a basis to create a simple universe.

Scripting allows you to leverage the power of an entire gaming system, using a simple, but flexible language created specifically for that platform. It is also a good way to get into level design too; and most recent first person shooters have a way in which gamers can create their own variants (or MODs), which can even be considered games in their own right.

Finally, Game play Programming and Tool programming are the real nuts and bolts of the video game programming world. Usually they require in depth knowledge of a specific technique and language. Graphics programmers, in particular, need a strong mathematical background, knowledge of both a traditional programming language and the platform specific instructions (most graphics functions now being farmed out to the graphics cards in modern systems).

Tool Programmers spend their time creating software that allows the scripters and level designers (and to some extent the Game play programmers) to manipulate the video game universe in certain ways. This might include level editors, compression tools and so on. Often it is a good way to get into video game programming as it is seen more as a chore than part of developing the dream.

Independent Game Programming

As a separate sub-topic, it is worth just closing with some words on how to get started in video game programming as an independent video game creator. Before shunning this, remember that many of today's great games started out as pet projects, created by recreational programmers.

The main driving force behind being an independent video game programmer is that you get to create something which is an improvement on what is available on the market. It may not be feasible to create something that will sell on the shelves of a game store, but it is certainly possible to make a tidy income from a simple, well thought out, and original video game.

As a starting point, it is a good idea to pick a game creation environment that matches with the final product - a FPS environment for an FPS, a 2D creation system for a shooter or platform game, Flash for interactive fiction, etc. etc.

Then, start small and simple. Completing projects is much more difficult than having great ideas. When a small project has been completed, a bigger one can be envisaged, and before long, that great idea can be tackled.

A last word - it is always a great incentive for a video game company to hire someone who has completed the creation of a game. It shows resourcefulness, drive and passion, coupled with the skills needed to succeed in video game programming.

Genry Pufter
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