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garden landscape design

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garden landscape design

                                  Welcome To Chenwa.com.sg          

Get The Best Home Landscape Design Management & Maintenance Services in Singapore! Chenwa



landscape management and designs

singapore landscape

Chen Wa is a landscape designer company in Singapore that offers garden and modern residential landscape design to bring serenity and comfort to your open spaces.


Chen wa Landscape is a full service, integrated Landscape Contractor. We design, install and ... Business Park Vista. Landscape maintenance at The Edge ...


Work With Us

Chen wa Landscape is a full service, integrated Landscape Contractor. We design, install and maintain innovative, sustainable green spaces to bring serenity and comfort to your open spaces.



What is Our Process

We understand the nuances included in designing the perfect Landscaped spaces that suits your premise’s architectural fair. landscaping sg That’s why we always start with a detailed discussion to understand your space, your desire and your expectation before every design journey. Feel free to innovate with us as we are as flexible as possible for your needs.


Latest News and Updates

Follow us on Facebook and be with us a we advance in our designs and competency in maintaining green spaces.



landscape maintenance services


Here is a list of some of our completed landscape designs. Take a look at some of our proposals by our ever creative landscape designers by clicking on the image thumbnails below.



Avilia Gardens

A unique design by one of our designers. It includes 3 inter connecting stone slabs with a reflecting mirror along with a pot. The style is unique and brings out its very own sense of feelings.



home landscape design

Chong Boon Secondary School

A huge waterscape designed care and consideration. A wall made up the foundation of the artificial waterfall along with a pot in the middle to bring out the subject.



Singapore Sports School

A water feature along the stair ways. A fountain with three stone slabs ‘pouring’ water into the fountain. With warm lightings to bring out the design within.



140 Queens Ave

Beautifully designed pavillions made from the best wood and materials available. Perfect complement for your garden, so that you can stay out and enjoy the day under shelter.



Bilcare Singapore

Landscape design for one of the leading firms for Manufacture & Marketing of Packaging Materials for Pharmaceutical Industries. Located off Changi South Street 1.



landscape design

Catholic High School

One of the SAP schools in Singapore, we developed the water feature/landscape for this school. Making it a nice and conducive place to study for the kids.




CHIJ Primary School

We built a park in the middle of a school for the primary students of CHIJ. This landscape installation literally brightens up the mood in the heart of the school.






About Our Company

Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. was formed in 1995, then of Chen Wa Trading Pte. Ltd. (1985– 1995). Chen Wa Landscape Pte. landscape Ltd. is an independent organization and has accumulated considerable experience in multi-discipline landscape works and management.



landscape Singapore

Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. is staffed with a team of professionals and skilled workers representing many areas of expertise, including landscape design and landscape maintenance team. Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. experience in landscape management and design is very extensive and has been our ‘mainstay’ in landscape development since 1995.


Professionals and skilled workers

Landscape Management / Maintenance

Bio-Filtrations system,ornamental plants arrangements,sales and plant rental



Address:  3 Lim Chu Kang Lane 6 S718860

Address: 51 Bukit Batok Crescent #08-45 Unity Centre S658077, Singapore

Telephone: 6565 8622

Telephone: 63163506

Fax: 6316 3507

Email:  chenwa@singnet.com.sg

Visit For More Information:  https://chenwa.com.sg/


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