First Aid Courses: A Benefit for all
In recent years a change in mentality is being seen: companies are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of
training their work team in first aid. What many saw before as an expense of money or loss of time, today they consider it an investment that can bring them not only advantages in the safety of employees but also to avoid large economic losses.
Of course, there is still a long way to go. Although it is a growing trend, there are still many organizations that do not measure the relevance of having trained personnel to react correctly in emergency situations.
A study published by The Lancet magazine last year revealed that the main causes of death in Argentina include ischemic heart disease, lower respiratory diseases, cerebrovascular diseases and COPD. Given this scenario, knowing how to perform
CPR maneuvers is key.
The actions that a company can implement in the matter of First Aid range from organizing training for its employees to
more basic ones, such as the correct use of a first aid kit . It is not enough just to have it, but it must be in a
suitable place, available to everyone and complete, with all the necessary elements in an emergency situation. In
addition, all the people who work in the company must know their existence and location.
In addition, all those companies with massive concurrence are required to have an automatic external defibrillator (DEA), according to law 4077, with trained personnel for its use. However, beyond the regulations, many companies are
incorporating them voluntarily, beyond the obligatory nature.
First aid training should have an important practical component to know how to correctly perform CPR maneuvers, for
example. It is important that during his dictation drills be carried out so that all employees know the safety protocols.
In the courses we offer from Portugal , participants practice how to control vital signs, perform maneuvers with
their peers and perform rescue drills. They focus on knowing how to act in different scenarios with victims and tools are
given to know what to do in cases of hemorrhages, fractures and burns, as well as what maneuvers to perform, for example, before an upper respiratory tract obstruction .
It is advisable to repeat regularly the theoretical-practical activities to allow the
fundamental concepts to be internalized and to achieve the necessary skills for effective performance in real cases.
Training the staff of a company can prevent many accidents at work. Immediate attention to the victim can not only save his life but prevent irreversible injuries.