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Type 2 Diabetes - Can Diabetics Eat Sugar or Sweets?

Steffan Devin
Type 2 Diabetes - Can Diabetics Eat Sugar or Sweets?

Diabetes is a serial killer. But it is a StrictionD SILENT serial killer because it stays behind the scenes. It doesn't directly participate in the murder of its not-so-innocent victims. It has many guns-for-hire under its payroll. It is the MASTERMIND. Some of its crimes remain unsolved, pointing only to the one who pulled the trigger but not the one who paid the triggerman.

Let us go into a forensic analysis of how the Mastermind works, what his weapons are, and how we can detect his presence even before we can see him.I have mentioned that in Diabetics, cholesterol rises years before the blood sugar goes up. Since diabetics lose the capacity to utilize sugar, tissue fat is mobilized as alternative fuel.

So fat in the tissues will have to travel via the arteries. The blood carries too much fat, much of which will be imbibed into the arterial walls. By the time the rising blood sugar is uncovered, the tightened cerebral arteries have already choked off the blood that carries oxygen to the brain. And since the brain cannot last more than 6 minutes without oxygen, the area deprived of it dies. If the patient lives, he is found to have Diabetes. But if he dies, he is diagnosed as a stroke, and the diagnosis of Diabetes dies with him. The triggerman is convicted, with the mastermind scot-free.


Steffan Devin
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