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Earnings BTN Throughout 2019 Plummeted 92% Eroded bad Credit

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Earnings BTN Throughout 2019 Plummeted 92% Eroded bad Credit

PT Bank Tabungan negara Tbk recorded a net profit last year plummeted 92,5% from Rp 2.8 trillion in 2018 to Rp 209,26 billion. The decline in earnings coded stock BBTN is caused by the increase in the cost of the backup due to bad loans to swell. 

Based on published financial statements of the company, the allowance for impairment losses on financial assets of the company increased from Rp 1.71 trillion to Rp a 3.48 trillion. As for impairment losses (allowance for impairment) of the company rose to 85.4% from Rp of 3.29 trillion to Rp to 6.16 trillion. 

the Rise in the cost of backup is done as the ratio of nonperforming loans or NPL are soaring. NPL to gross up from 2.81% to 4,78%, while the ratio of NPL net up from 1,83% to 2.96%. 

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "Profits of the BTN Throughout 2019 Plummeted 92% Eroded bad Credit" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/02/17/laba-btn-sepanjang-2019-anjlok-92-tergerus-kredit-macet
Author: Ihya Ulum Aldin
Editor: Agustiyanti

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