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Create An Instagram-worthy Quote Post For Holi’s day

Create An Instagram-worthy Quote Post For Holi’s day

How are you celebrating the day – or month – of love this February? Here’s a sweet little tutorial to help you guys with creating quick and easy Instagram posts (for tomorrow!!!) to fill your social feed with some love!

Table Of Contents
Start Here
Resize or Crop
Add Effects
Add Romantic Quotes
Adjust, Adjust, Adjust
Add Light Leaks
Compare Your Before After Images

Start Here

Open your image in Online Image Editor We went with this gorgeous shot of a couple on the shoreline – absolutely fitting for this Holi’s Day theme. Of course, we chose one that’s going to fit perfectly in a square sized shot – because that’s perfect for Instagram. Be sure to select a photo that will go well with getting cropped… because that’s the next step!

Resize or Crop

Now, what you’re gonna have to do is crop your selected part of the photo where it showcases the couple – or whatever you plan to focus on in your case! With ours, we went with the standard 1080 by 1080 pixels that Instagram famously touts for their feeds.

Add Effects

Next, click on Effects, and head to Friends, then select Harry to achieve a stunning vintage appearance. This filter makes the sea look greener by adding a yellow tint, and further amplifies the couple’s appearance a little. Of course, you don’t need to replicate what we’ve chosen to the T, but take this as a general guide.

Add Romantic Quotes

So now’s the perfect time to add some text! If you don’t have many quotes to go by and are fine with adding a pre-made one, add this one under Romantic Quotes. Head to Elements, then Stickers, and choose Romantic Quotes. Scroll down and select a preset quote that suits your photo of choice! It says “My favorite place is inside your hug”, how cute is that? Love it. You can make your own quotes too, with whatever text you like.

Adjust, Adjust, Adjust

And now, what you’re going to wanna do is edit the slider settings under Light. So that means adjusting:

Brightness (-40)
Exposure (20)
Contrast (-40)
Black (30)
White (20)
Highlight (-60)
Shadows (-30)

Go with what blends well according to your image, because the lighting of everyone’s photos will be different. Basically, my rule of thumb is, if the text is legible enough without you having to squint, then it’s good to go, baby! If it’s not, tweak the slider settings to adjust the brightness and exposure even more until you can read the quote without getting a headache.

Add Light Leaks

Head to Overlay and add Light Leaks to finish off the romantic, retro beachside sunset gazing look. We went with one that tickles the sides of the photo to add some pink pizzazz. Very cute, very girly, and perfectly Pin-nable or, well, absolutely Instagram worthy.

Compare Your Before After Images

While most other posts may look bland like this one below… or as I like to call it, Online Photo Editor:

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