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The Best and Worst Option in Takeaways

Phoebe Lambert
The Best and Worst Option in Takeaways

Takeaways are popular because they are satisfying, convenient, and also cheap. But we often forget to consider their effects on our bodies. Though takeaways provide much-needed energy, most contain extra calories. Some takeaways carry so many calories that can surpass your daily maximum needs. Whereas others may also exceed the recommended amount of fat, sugar, and salt. Such unhealthy diets can become a cause of health problems like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

People who are aware of such risks consider options while ordering a takeaway. You may also have to think about other options while searching for burger takeaway near me. But many customers don’t know how much calories they are taking with them. In this article, you’ll know about a few best and worst takeaway options.

Best Option in Takeaways

Here are some of the best and healthy takeaway food options. You can enjoy a delicious meal on your way home and office without getting extra calories or fat.


This is possibly the best takeaway that you can order. Sushi contains unprocessed fish that offer omega-3 fatty acids. It doesn’t carry added fat and isn’t deep-fried so it is low in calories. Sushi contains carrot, seaweed, cucumber, and salmon as basic food ingredients. This makes it the healthiest takeaway option for you.


Burrito is another healthy takeaway option based on its ingredients. Its ingredients make it’s a suitable choice with low calories. However, you must avoid toppings if you are considering any. Toppings usually carry extra calories that can make your burrito unhealthy.

3.Thai Food

Thai food is arguably an appropriate takeaway choice. But your choice of food matters a lot when you order Thai food. You must foods like prawn, spring rolls or fried rice. Try to stick with vegetables, fish or stir-fried dishes. Clear soups or steamed seafood dishes like mussels or fish are healthier food options.

Worst Option in Takeaways

Here are some unhealthy takeaway food options that we often eat. You must avoid them if you want to lose weight or don’t want to gain weight.


 A medium-size pizza usually contains calories around 1950. Only 6 slices of this greasy food carry more calories than your daily needs. The number of calories will increase in case you want to treat yourself with a side order. Adding a dessert or chips can increase the calories around 3000.

2.Chips/French Fries

Almost all restaurants and takeaways recommend chips as a side dish. But you’ll be amazed to find out how much calories and fat this side dish contains. The recommended portion of chips contains 69g fats and around 1850 calories.

3.Chinese Food

Many customers take Chinese food as a healthy option but it isn’t. Anything that restaurants describe as ‘crispy’ is unhealthy and contain calories. Usually, crispy food items are deep-fried and carry extra carbs. Whether it is a spring roll or a crispy duck. Chefs use oil in large quantities during the cooking process to prepare Chinese foods. An average meal may contain around 1430 calories.

Takeaway Words

All the cuisines Mexican, Indian, Italian, Chinese or Mexican can be healthy and unhealthy at the same time. It depends on your takeaway choice and how the food was prepared. Delicious meals and healthy eating typically don’t get along. Consider the amount of fat and calories if you want to enjoy a takeaway meal. You must never eat calories more than your daily requirement in case you don’t want to put up weight.

Phoebe Lambert
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