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SD-WAN Training and certification in bangalore

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SD-WAN Training and certification in bangalore

Duration 40 Hours | Fee 10K+GST 18%

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Bangalore and Noida Campus


Cisco SD-WAN Training


Course Fee



Course Duration

 40 Hours

Course Mode

 Classroom     Online


The rise of cloud-based applications and IoT is impacting existing wide area networks across all industries. The need to increase bandwidth, optimize cloud connectivity, and improve security posture is challenging with traditional WAN architectures.

Cisco SD-WAN is a cloud-delivered WAN architecture that enables digital and cloud transformation at enterprises. It significantly drops WAN costs, reduces the time to deploy services, build application resiliency, and provides a robust security architecture for hybrid networks.


Detailed Syllabus Covered



After taking this course, you should be able to:

Describe the Cisco Software-Defined overlay network and how modes of operation differ in legacy WAN versus Software-Defined

Describe options for  cloud and on-premises deployments, as well as how to deploy virtual vEdge and physical cEdge devices with Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and device templates

Describe best practices in WAN routing protocols, as well as how to configure and implement transport-side connectivity, service-side routing, interoperability, and redundancy and high availability

Describe dynamic routing protocols and best practices in an Software-Defined environment, transport-side connectivity, service-side connectivity, and how redundancy and high availability are achieved in Software-Definedenvironments

Explain how to migrate from legacy WAN to Cisco , including typical scenarios for data center and branch

Explain how to perform Software-Defined Day 2 operations, such as monitoring, reporting, logging, and upgrading

Theory Covered

Cisco SD-WAN Overlay Network

Examining Cisco Software-DefinedArchitecture

Cisco Software-DefinedDeployment

Examining Cisco Software-DefinedDeployment Options

Deploying Edge Devices

Deploying Edge Devices with Zero-Touch Provisioning

Using Device Configuration Templates

Redundancy, High Availability, and Scalability

Using Dynamic Routing

Providing Site Redundancy and High Availability

Configuring Transport-Side Connectivity

Defining Advanced Control Policies

Defining Advanced-Data Policies

Implementing Application-Aware Routing

Implementing Internet Breakouts and Network Address Translation (NAT)

Cisco Software-Defined Migration and Interoperability

Examining Cisco Software-Defined Hybrid Scenarios

Performing a Migration

Cisco Software-Defined Management and Operations

Performing Day-2 Operations

Performing Upgrades

Lab outline

Deploying Cisco Software-Defined Controllers

Adding a Branch Using Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP)

Deploying Devices Using Configuration Templates

Configuring Controller Affinity

Implementing Dynamic Routing Protocols on Service Side

Implementing Transport Location (TLOC) Extensions

Implementing Control Policies

Implementing Data Policies

Implementing Application-Aware Routing

Implementing Internet Breakouts

Migrating Branch Sites

Performing an Upgrade

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