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Become a Medical Assistant with Training from NCE

Become a Medical Assistant with Training from NCE

So you are interested in joining the medical profession, and you are considering a career as a medical assistant? Congratulations! A career as a medical assistant is an excellent choice for your future. The healthcare industry is growing nationwide (BLS), and as the American healthcare system continues to modernize and embrace current technologies, the need for trained medical professionals grows. With National Career Education (NCE), you can train to be a medical assistant in as few as 9 months! If you are interested in learning more about becoming a medical assistant, read on to learn what you can expect from a quality, accredited training program such as the one offered at NCE. 

NCE offers an accelerated, flexible training program

At NCE, we know our students are busy people, and in response to students’ needs, we have developed our Medical Assistant training program to be as flexible as possible. With NCE, you can complete the coursework necessary to obtain certification as a medical assistant in as few as 9 months. NCE offers flexible scheduling, including day, evening, and weekend classes, so you can complete them on your schedule, however it works for you. We also offer individualized student support from professional faculty, so students receive the personal attention and guidance they need in order to be successful. With your dedication, our staff and faculty will be with you every step of the way as you train for your new career. With NCE, it is now more possible than ever before to obtain the training you need! 

NCE offers an accredited, thorough training program

In NCE’s Medical Assistant program, students learn both the clinical skills and the administrative knowledge they need to be excellent job candidates for medical assisting positions. 

If you choose NCE for your career training, you will find a community of support. Our professional faculty and helpful staff have a mission to see you succeed, and we will do everything possible to help you obtain a position in your chosen field. Plus, NCE will stay by your side for the entire duration of your career: Graduates are welcomed to return at any time in their career for free career-placement assistance and free refresher training!

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