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5 Great Advantages of Translating Your Hotel Website

Beth Worthy
5 Great Advantages of Translating Your Hotel Website

You need translation almost in every industry where the platform is global. Approx 50% of the tour and travel reservations are made online and this makes a scope of hotel website translation. Hotel owners need to ensure that their website is user-friendly with respect to website language. Many of the company provides translation services of the website and ensure the right message in the right context should be delivered. Hotel websites that don’t cater to non-English speaking audiences miss out on huge revenue opportunities.

However, did you know that half of all online users are foreign, non-English speakers? According to studies, 75 percent of these non-English speaking audiences prefer to make online purchases on websites in their specific languages.

Here are five reasons why you should translate your hotel website into several languages.

Learn more: Advantages of Translating Your Hotel Website

Beth Worthy
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