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Adopt Industrial Concrete Services and Enjoy Many Benefits

Albert Thomas
Adopt Industrial Concrete Services and Enjoy Many Benefits

Being a cost-effective and time-tested solution for leveling residential, commercial, and industrial concrete, mud jacking is often a go-to-choice for bringing a settling concrete back to its original position. It is a process of lifting a settling concrete slab. Although there are many more Industrial Concrete Services, mud jacking is still the best choice among people. Let’s know, why?


  • Speedy & Cost-Effective Solution

While costing 60% less than a concrete replacement, mud jacking is also a quick process that can be completed in one day, often within one to two hours.

  • Non-Invasive Process

The mud jacking process does not need any digging or the use of noisy and giant machinery. All it requires is the drilling of a small hole of about one and a half inch in diameter that can be cobbled after project completion. Furthermore, the whole process can be done without disturbing surrounding neighbors.

  • Eco-Friendly

The filler pumped below the concrete to raise the slab is some form of natural material like a slurry mixture of clay, Portland cement, and sand. This reduces the requirement of materials and that is why the procedure is quite cost-effective.

  • Minimizes On-Premise Injury

Uneven concrete and sloping improve the chances of an injury from a trip and fall. And as the property owner, you could be accountable for any injury occurring on your premises. But by raising the concrete back in place, mud jacking eliminates the trip hazard.

With all these benefits, if you are also looking for Concrete Leveling Near Me, contact ELITE CONCRETE LIFTING to get the right concrete restoration procedure done on your property. As a leader in concrete raising and leveling, we have many years of experience within the relevant industry.

Albert Thomas
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