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Aubrey Name Meaning

toan ha
Aubrey Name Meaning

Gender: Unisex

Origin: English

Meaning: Noble Ruler

1. Meaning of the name "Aubrey"

Aubrey Name Meaning 8

The name Aubrey - from Aubrey Name Meaning is the name of a French girl, English meaning "the ruler of the elf". The unisex name Aubrey is drawing charts for girls' popularity, with Audrey revived. After being a 100% male name, it tipped to females in 1974 and is now 98% girls, among the most popular girls' names starting with A.

Aubrey was a relatively common male name in England in the Middle Ages, later beloved. Another factor that might be popular with girls is the song about a girl named Aubrey of the Bread group in the 1970s.

The most prominent female bearer now is deadpan comic actress Aubrey Plaza - from Aubrey Name Meaning, the breakout star of Parks & Recreation. Rap/pop megastar Drake was born Aubrey Drake Graham and followed his middle name. Terrence Howard is the father of an adult daughter named Aubrey.


Source : Aubrey name meaning

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