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What is IELTS, How to crack interviews, even if you are weak in English

What is IELTS, How to crack interviews, even if you are weak in English

The International English Language Testing System is the test which assesses the general as well as academic English skills of non-native English speakers. It is a mandatory test requirement in most of the countries as English is their main language of communication and instruction. So, if you want to study in the U.S. or want to pursue career opportunities there, you need to take IELTS if as such is the regulation.

There are many lucrative career opportunities in Foreign countries which is one of the reasons why we want to go there. But there is a catch!

As English is not our first language, we have to learn it. And learning is a time consuming process. Learning is achieved throughout years of schooling. Most of Indian schools are English medium and thus over the time their students master the language. For the rest of us who didn’t have such benefit English has become yet another obstacle in our daily lives. Today wherever you be, communication in English is always served as a plus point.

Now for having a residence abroad or a foreign degree you need to be able to understand their primary language. Which is where IELTS plays a crucial role. 

IELTS tests the basic skills you need for your intended purpose. It is a test which is made to be cracked. Like any other tests in your life, with proper preparation and guidance you can clear IELTS even if you are not so good at English.



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