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Mobile traffic counters

Icoms Detections
Mobile traffic counters

Traffic is a very important part of the way we live our lives. Traffic is a major cause of the problems in metropolitan cities due to the constant increase in population and urbanization. With the increase in population has led to a major shift in our day to day lives, especially in the area of transport. Such a dramatic change in our modern lifestyle and the constant need to travel to the traffic problem resulted. People waste a lot of time in traffic, and it would be for the government and planners can help to find a solution to make the traffic flow easier to manage. Modern problems require modern solutions, and that is what we have exactly done with the help of technology. Mobile verkeerstellers were ge’this, as a part of the solution to traffic is a better measure of the effects of understand and, therefore, the cities plan better.


The TMS-SA is a portable, hand-held traffic counters, which are only 6 to 7 kg, and the ground is. It comes with a rugged housing and is easy to set up. The service life of the battery, this product can take up to three weeks, and the built-in memory ’’to a million readings can be stored. The SYSTEM–SA (Doppler, radar, traffic rank, on the basis of the lengtecategorieën. This product is widely used in local areas and urban development areas.


This product can be used in wegenbouwplaatsen, urban d sites, and frequentatiestudies. Residents, to give the preference to the SYSTEM–the SA, because it's a still camera, not pushy, and discreet. With the added benefit of a built-in bluetooth communication makes it attractive to city planners because of the simple configuration, through the phone. It can be two lanes of traffic at the same time, measure it, and it has the ability to store up to 8 m high, installed, to be in a lot of ways it can be used. The government and city planners are looking for a simple, hassle-free solutions to traffic management, and the TMA - SA to deliver a solution to their difficulties.


For more information on mobile traffic counters from Icoms Detections Radars, please visit https://icomsdetections.com/nl/home/.

Icoms Detections
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