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New Zealand cricket team postponed remaining matched against Australia due to Coronavirus Pandemic

Digital Newspaper24x7
New Zealand cricket team postponed remaining matched against Australia due to Coronavirus Pandemic

The ongoing ODI series between Australia and New Zealand has been postponed owing to coronavirus concerns. The three-match T20I series later this month have also been called off.

New Zealand bowler Lockie Ferguson has already been quarantined after complaining of a sore throat in the wake of the one-day international against Australia on Friday. New Zealand Cricket said Ferguson had been placed in isolation at the team hotel for the next 24 hours in accordance with recommended health protocols.

With the New Zealand Government tightening their border restrictions in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Black Caps fly home immediately. New Zealand is enforcing a mandatory 14-day self-isolation period for those entering the country from Australia from Sunday, which leaves the visitors only a day to make arrangements of flying the majority of their squad home by Saturday evening.

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