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Blogging is not just a hobby but is also the best way to express your passion for any subject. It can be even a fulfilling hobby. But besides this, it is also an effective way to make money online either as either option as a full time or part-time career option. If you are looking for ways to make extra money online from your blog, you can even think of quitting your full-time job and start earning full time. Well, this blog post will help you in checking for the tips to earn from blogging. If you do not know, its time to check how blogging can help you in earning big as under:

Create a business directory on your blog

The kind of product or service you promote would attract several questions from your audience who would ask for recommendations? Well better compile lit and then approach the right businesses for signing up for your business directory. With a business directory on your blog, you would be able to get things right and start things the best.

Sell ad space

This is one of the key strategies, which a majority of bloggers start with while you are looking to monetize their blog. But at the same time, you need to keep in mind that you are not limited just to sell out the banner ad sports which usually remain an ineffective strategy these days. Consider the other areas that you could have rented out or get the space on your pop-up box, along with the social media headers, the “P.S.” over your email newsletters and then think out of the box.

Promote an affiliate product

The affiliate sales comprise of a large chunk of revenue for a majority of big-time bloggers. For example, there are bloggers who earn big as even 50 K USD a month with the help of affiliate sales, when compared to the book sales of worth 10k USD. Generally speaking, the affiliate products with higher price points; and things like web hosting companies can be called the great choice if it is seen making sense in your niche, with the payouts of anywhere that fall under $60-$130+ per signup.

Offer services

When you sell out the services you could make you rich it is one of the best ways to make some extra bucks and to build up your reputation. Start selling the services directly related to your blog niche. For example, if you have a food blog, you can think of catering, if you have for freelancing you can think of writing or graphic design.

Offer consulting services

The other way to earn money with blogging is to present yourself with consulting services. Remember there is a need for consultants in nearly all the niche areas. You can charge per hour for the phone, email/Skype advice you are going to pay for free.

Wrapping up

Blogging is just not confined to express your views or ideas and share your passion but at the same time and opportunity to earn money. The above ideas can help you in earning through blogs.

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