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Lost a Row of Teeth? New Dental Implant Options Can Help

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Lost a Row of Teeth? New Dental Implant Options Can Help

For many years, dentures were the only choice for anyone who had lost an upper or lower arch of teeth. But today there are newer and better options available. If you're in the Hauppauge or Medford, NY area, visit Farber Center to find out more about the most effective dental implants Long island has to offer. One of the most popular full-arch tooth replacement methods today is All-on-4. It is a system supported by dental implants. The replacement teeth are permanent and held firmly in place. In the beginning, implants replaced teeth one-by-one, which could be costly and time consuming for anyone needing a complete arch restored.

Now with the arrival of All-on-4, much has changed for the better. Because only four implants can support an entire row of teeth, it speeds of treatment time and can reduce costs. It also means more people can qualify for the procedure, and fewer of them need bone augmentation. The four implants can be placed where bone density is sufficient.If you're just beginning to find out more about dental implants, one of the significant advantages is the return of a firm bite.

When you have diseased or decayed teeth, in time, your ability to bite and chew is diminished. It affects what you eat – and many of the healthiest foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are challenging to chew. When you have a new row of teeth with All-on-4 supported by implants, you'll have a bite strength on part with natural teeth. You'll be eating healthier again right away. One of the most frequent questions asked about dental implants is, how do they look? The answer is that most people cannot tell them from natural teeth. It's a great advantage they bring compared to other replacement options.

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