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How To Link Spotify To Alexa

sam bhai
How To Link Spotify To Alexa

Learn how to link the Spotify with Alexa, just download the Alexa app, open it, and link your Spotify account with these steps:

  1. Press the menu in the top-left.
  2. Tap Settings, then Music.
  3. Select Spotify, then Link account to Alexa.
  4. Enter your Spotify account details ok.

Set Spotify as a default music service ok, so you don’t need to specify this “on Spotify” at the end of your every voice commands:

  1. Press the menu in the top-left.
  2. Press Settings, then Music.
  3. Press Choose default music services.
  4. Select Spotify and Press DONE.

You can also read clear explanation with images - How To Connect Spotify To Alexa


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sam bhai
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