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Social Media Marketing Courses in Chennai

keerthi vasan
Social Media Marketing Courses in Chennai

Set-up clever marketing techniques for your business and frame-up your career in Social Media by our Social Media Marketing Courses.

It lets you learn how to use Online Communication Channels that are used for sharing content (like images, videos, texts, etc.) to gain target audience attention in a organic way. This short term classroom training program also equips you with social media advertising (paid services) strategies and techniques to stand out from competitors, generate new leads through brand awareness, surge sales and revenue, and how to double Return On Investments (ROI).

Course Highlights:

  • Earn a Certificate in Social Media Optimization with just 20 hours of short term Classroom Training
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of Social Media Optimization strategies and techniques what we serve to our corporate clients
  • Real-Time Social Media Optimization Case Studies
  • 70% Practical 30% Theory.
  • Digital Marketing Company providing Social Media Optimization Certification
  • Revision and Backup Classes even on weekends
  • Get multiple job opportunities as soon you complete your Social Media Optimization Certification.
keerthi vasan
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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