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Persistence Is the Key to Everything

Aalia william
Persistence Is the Key to Everything

I have read many books by peopleManifestation Code System Review whom have made something of themselves and although their stories are different in many aspects, one commonality is constant between them all, persistence. This is where failure is tested and understood as a teacher, not an obstacle.

When you want something and your drive to achieve what you want is strong enough, the whole cosmos will assist you in getting that something. There is much truth to this statement and yes intellectually it looks good on paper and rather inspiring and hopeful, but if you can move past the mental realm of its comprehension and go further to really 'get it', you will see that there is so much more to it and so much peace that comes from the deeper understanding of it.

You see when you feel something it has more meaning to you, it is as if you own it, it is yours to keep. This is where the 'wisdom is greater than knowledge' thing comes in. Wisdom cares, has feeling, knowledge is only facts or concepts; there is no life to it. Wisdom will always stand the test of time and last ages. This has been proven throughout the ages.




Aalia william
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