Interview : Nominé J Awards, Ibrahim Diallo speaks to us about his rébucket social « Kuma »
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Nominé to the J Awards in the catégory innovation, Ibrahim Diallo déholder d’a bachelor's degree in Economics, Finance à l’Université Nongo Conakry, is today’is now recognized as a l’one of the young people, the most innovative of the Guinée, in the field of digital and computer technology in which it s’is formé by passion, and by a desire to serve his country. D’économiste à self-taught in programming, he débends the première version b¬ed;ta of the platform « Kuma » rébucket social multi-dialects. In this interview qu’il aé à réaction, the founder of ‘’Kuma’’ we speak of its création, its featureé and its benefits, as well as his enthusiasm à his appointment to the J-Awards.
Rarili News : Tell us about the rébucket social Kouma ?
Today’hui les résocial networking has become the new public square l’éeconomy and facilitate the linking and sharing d’évèevents daily. However, none of them takes into account the needs of people who cannot read or éto write in the languages known international. C’is to remedy this exclusion numéric j’ai dégrowné Kouma in order to facilitate and accélérer l’inclusion numéric.
Kuma means « talk » in the language malinké. C’is a mobile application type rébucket social multi-dialects made in Guinea. She puts the’emphasis on the possibilityé for the users of s’to express in their dialect à through désormais a voice-chat option at the time of the’éedition of articles, texts and comments. This helps to keep l’originalité of the message as well as émotions ».
Rarili News : How did you have l’idée créer this application ?
Inspirationé by a history of users of Siguiri and the difficultés that met daily ma mère on Facebook, I'm a lancé dans l’self-study computer programming and j’ai décidé de créer a rébucket social, which is fixed will allow à n’any internet user (the african) of any level to be able to share and interact on the rébucket via the dialect.
Rarili News : What are the benefits that’offer your rébucket social ?
The biggest advantage of Kouma réside, in its multi featureé and his système of vocalization advancedée qu’it offers to; its shown interestées, and to other internet users, to enable them to s’to express in their dialect. In addition to the options that’others résocial networking, Kouma puts désormais à disposition : a voice-chat option when publishing or sharing of photo and vidéo, a publication of audio status simple, there is an option of a voice comment to the publications, and e-mail privée intégrée with a système voice in any l’intésingle infraction ».
Rarili News : Talk to us about his featureé ?
His featureé c’is the development of african languages in l’écosystème numéric through the voice in order to overcome the barrière of language that have afflicted the african continent in the world of technology is the véactual and great featureé compared to the existing ».
Rarili News : You have été nominé J Awards 2019 in catégory innovation. What are your feelings ?
Après des années d’ésuccessfully in ésuccessfully c’is the « J AWARDS 2019&Premium; that à its tower also invested its trust and confirms that Kuma is l’avenir du numéric de la Guinée and that I am one of those who were moving the country in 2019. C’is the greatest honor for me and the biggest fierté since the dépurpose of the’adventure in this project. This distinction is a joy unique to me ».
Rarili News : Your word of the end ?
J’calls on all the guinéens, but also to other african d’use daily Kuma and say if KUMA becomes a référence in the world, c’is the numéle guinéand the african, which became a référence, c’was l’employment in the numéric that is boosté, c’is the wealth éeconomic of our country, which increases. Because the Big Data is the’future of the technology while Kuma is the’future of the continent’oralité (Africa) and will level it to the barrière of the language that cause our real delay à the race of technology. And Thank you to Rarili News of m’for the opportunity to say these few words ».
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