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7 Easy Steps Every Hajj Pilgrim

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7 Easy Steps Every Hajj Pilgrim

Hajj is one of the important five pillars of Islam. If one is physically and financially able, it is necessary for him or her to offer Hajj.

Muslims perform Hajj in the city of Makkah, Saudia Arabia, near ‘ Kabba,” the house of Allah. Dhu-al-Hijjah is an important month in which Muslims offer the religious rituals of Hajj. This essential religious ceremony starts from the 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah to 12th Dhu-al-Hijja.

In the Muslim world, this gathering is the second-largest gathering. It is one of the most significant moments when Muslims show they that are here for only one God, Almighty Allah.

There are some specific conditions that the Muslims follow while performing the Hajj; for instance, they have to wear an unstitched dress “Ihram,” also not indulging in quarrel and prohibition of hunting. These are necessary regulations that the Muslims have to abide by.

The history of Hajj starts from the reign of Prophet Abraham. Allah ordered him to build “ Kabba” in the center of the earth. After building the house of Allah, he received the order to perform the Hajj. Later, people kept changing the method of Hajj. When Prophet Muhammad SAW captured Makkah, the Muslims had to clean the Kabba from the Idol.

Again, Muhammad SAW told the method of Hajj given by Allah.

Significance of Hajj by the Holy book of Quran

The holy book of the Quran has explained the status of the Hajj. There are different verses that are open proof of the importance of Hajj.

Allah says in the holy book of the Quran,” And to people the Hajj, they will be here to you on foot and on the camel, they will be here from every distance. “(22:27)

Allah says in the Quran,” We have done (the completion) of Holy Kabba, a focal point for the masses and a secure sanctum, the people can use Abraham’s shrine for the prayer: we give power to Prophet Abraham and Ismail, You should clean my house for those who visit here and those people who live here and those (people) who nod and prostrate.” (2:125)
There are two essential ways to learn the Quran.. One is the traditional way in which we choose the teacher to learn the Quran. He assists us in learning the Quran in our home or in the mosque or seminaries. This is the traditional way in which we have to present face-to-face before the teacher. The Quran teachers. guide us on how to learn the Quran.

The Holy book of Quran describes the importance of this holy ceremony in different Surah.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran,”(o Muhammad SAW) people ask from you about the moon, say, it gives the timing about the people and the Hajj, it is useless to beat about the bush: Righteousness is acquired by Upholding the orders of Allah and by remaining straightforward.”

These verses of the Quran are the obvious example of the significance of the Hajj.

Significance of the Hajj by the Ahadith of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW

Ahadith of the Prophet SAW also describes the importance of the Hajj ceremony.

Abu-Hayrarah(May Allah be pleased upon him) narrated the Hadith,” Allah Almighty has implemented Hajj upon you, so must do Hajj. “

In another Hadith, Holy Prophet SAW said,” Keep doing the Hajj and Umrah, it wipes out the sins and the poverty, just as the bowl remove the defilement from iron, gold, and silver,”

There are several different Ahadith, which explains the importance of the essential religious ceremony of Hajj. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam.

A complete guide to Hajj

The first time, Prophet Muhammad SAW offered his first and lost Hajj after the conquest of Makkah, Saudia Arab. One in a year, Muslims gather to follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

If one is financially and physically able, he or she should do the Hajj because it is the religious duty imposed by Allah almighty. The Hajj ceremony lasts from 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah to 12th Dhu-al-Hijjah. There are different religious rituals, which are carried in these holy days at the occasion of Hajj.

The house of Allah” Kabba” was built under the order of Allah almighty. The Tawaf of Kabbah is an important religious ritual in the ceremony of Hajj.

The process of Hajj is not as complicated as it is understood. The step-by-step Hajj process is the following.

Day 1 wearing Ihram. The unique dress of Hajj

Miqat is the outer boundary of Makkah, Saudia Arabia. Before crossing these boundaries, it is essential to wear Ihram, which is a unique dress for the Hajj ceremony.

Similarly, there are some necessary guidelines, which is essential to follow, for example, the pilgrim should not indulge in Quarreling activities, they should not involve in hunting activities and similarly the prohibition of wearing common days.

Traveling to the city of Minah

Minnah is the city 8 KM away from Makkah. After performing the initial religious ceremony in Makkah, Muslims reach here. They do Dhikr and remembering Allah.

After one day, they have to set out to Arafat.

An important day of Arafat

Muslims spend one day in Arafat. The day of Arafat is not only of utmost importance for the pilgrims but for the whole Muslims across the world.

It was the place where Muhammad SAW gave his last sermon. Muslims across the world observe fast on that day.

The day in Muzdalifah

From Arafat, Muzdalifah is 9 KM away. Muslims spend the whole night under the stars. They collect pebbles here for offering tomorrow’s right.

After sunrise, they have to move from here.

Throwing pebbles at the pillar

Yawm-al-hajj-al-Akbar is the day when actually Hajj offers. The next day after Yawm-al-hajj-Akbar, is the day of Eid-ul-Adha, which is the day of happiness and joy. Pilgrims go to Mina to offer the rest of the rituals.

Then, Muslims perform Rammi in which pilgrims throw pebbles to one of the three columns.

This place has been remained very dangerous for Muslims in the past. This is the place of several horrible stories that surfaced due to the miss-management of pilgrims. Thousands of Hajj pilgrims had lost their lives in performing Rammi. They can remove Ihram.

After offering this ceremony, Muslims shave their head. They offer the sacrifice of the animal to follow the sunnah of the Prophet Abraham.

Sa’ee and Tawaf are completed after Rammi.

Final days of Hajj ceremony

Pilgrims threw seven stones symbolically. Muslims have to spend some days here in order to perform the rest of the rituals. They set out form Mina.

After completion of these rituals, Pilgrims do Tawaf, which is the final circulation of the Kabba.

Some pilgrims go to Madina and visit important places. The visit to Madina is optional and not obligatory. 

The city of Madina is the second holiest place for Muslims. There are some essential places of Islamic importance.

Seven steps for every Hajj pilgrim

There are seven easy steps that are necessary to complete for every Muslim to complete the Hajj. Without the completion of these steps, the Hajj is incomplete.

Circulation of Kabba 7 times

It is important in the whole hajj ceremony that to complete seven circulations across Kabba, the house of Allah.

The day at Arafat

It is an important place where Prophet Muhammad SAW offered his last sermon. This day in the Hajj ceremony is essential for not only the pilgrims but the Muslims across the world.

The day at Muzdalifah

The day at Muzdalifah is another important day in the ceremony of the Hajj. Pilgrims have to spend the whole night under the sky. They have to choose the pebbles to perform the rituals of the next day.

The next day after Fajar prayer, pilgrims have to set out.

Stoning the devil

Stoning the devil is the sunnah of the Prophet Abraham, which is an important ritual to follow. Pilgrims collect pebbles from the Muzdalifah.

They have to throw the pebbles at the first pillar, which is called Jimmarat. The history of this sunnah is fascinating. Allah gave the order to Prophet Abraham to sacrifice his son. The devil came near the Prophet Abraham and tried to misguide him. Prophet Ibraham threw the stones to keep him away from him.

After throwing stones, they have to perform shaving head and sacrifice of the animal.

Circulating around Al-Safa and al-Marwah

Circulating around Al-Safa and Al-Marwah is also an important religious ritual in the whole Hajj ceremony. The wife of the Prophet Abraham took Ismail and tried to search the water. She circulated seven times around the Safa and Marwah hills.

It is necessary to perform the Sa’ee.

Stoning in Mina

Pilgrims have to stay in the city of Minah. They have to perform stoning on every three pillars.

It is the sunnah of the Prophet Ibraham, which is necessary to follow.

Tawaf At the end of Hajj ceremony

The seventh important step is of the Tawaf, which is necessary to complete. It marks the end of Hajj.

After all these steps, Pilgrims go to Madina, which is the second important place of Muslims. Pilgrims perform several important visits to several places, but it is not the obligatory part.


Hajj is a momentous occasion. The luckiest person is one who gets an invitation by Allah almighty. It is necessary to perform the Hajj as per the teachings of Muhammad SAW because it is the occasion of blessings and rewards. We should try to win these rewards and blessings.


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Hajj is a momentous occasion. It is the occasion of blessings and rewards. We should try to win these blessings and rewards thoroughly. We should know seven easy steps every Hajj pilgrim.

quranfor kids
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