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Discover the Historical Monuments in Chennai

Navya singh
Discover the Historical Monuments in Chennai

Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu is domestic to several historical lives and unforgettable eminent personalities who contributed to the records of the country substantially representing Chennai and South India at the countrywide platform. The glorious past and rich cultural historical past of Chennai, earlier known as Madras, is quite visible from a huge range of magnificent monuments of Chennai existing within the city. 

1. Fort St. George 

Built by way of the British East India Company beneath the supervision of Francis Day and Andrew Cogon in 1640 AD, the Fort St. George now has a church dedicated to Saint Mary and a fortress museum. Today, it is the Secretariat and Legislative Assembly of the state. Initially, a trading post of British-owned East India Company, St. George Fort is placed on the banks of Bay of Bengal. The citadel is the first bastion of Britain in the territory of India nowadays enjoys the repute of being the seat of the Government of Tamil Nadu and embraces the Legislative Council Chambers.

2. War Memorials of Chennai

Chennai or Madras (as most people name it), is considered because of the gateway to south India. The iconic Marina Beach, which is counted as a few of the longest beaches in the world, is a part of this city. Victory War Memorial is one of the two war memorials placed here, Madras War Cemetery being the other one. The War Memorials of Chennai wherein a number of memorials dedicated to the squaddies who laid their lives for the welfare of the nation, as well as folks that died as martyrs, serving their nation can be seen. Victory War Memorial became constructed inside the reminiscence of allied armies who misplaced their lives in World War I. It then has become a memorial for World War II.

Navya singh
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